Since 2004 we have produced over 70 Health & Safety films for the quarry industry alone. Pavemar Productions have extensive experience in this area and have worked across the whole of the UK and beyond.


Many generic training videos are now available online, so why invest in your own bespoke training and induction material?

Why Induction films?

Induction films have a very important part to play in explaining to staff and external contractors the safety rules and procedures for any company. Viewers tend to retain information far better when delivered via video. Consistency in the delivery of the information is paramount. It is also an opportunity to build confidence in your brand and the integrity of your business, demonstrating that you really do value the safety of your employees, contractors, clients and guests.

Induction Films
What We Provide

What We Provide

Pavemar can provide interactive training with professional actors and presenters alongside animation and personalised footage of your premises, tailoring your induction and safety films to your business. Contact us today for more information.

Isolation Film
Seeing is believing – the answers
High Speed Network Deleveries